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Fire Safety in blocks of flats – Inspection, testing and maintenance continued – Part 10

Posted: 14/05/2015 14:05

The last few Fire Safety in blocks of flats blogs have been looking at the importance of inspection, testing and maintenance on various elements of your fire safety measures. Today, we will continue with that by discussing fire mains, firefighting lifts and other fire prevention and protection measures.

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Fire Safety in blocks of flats – Inspection, testing and maintenance continued – Part 9

Posted: 08/05/2015 13:29

This week’s blog on fire safety in blocks of flats continues looking at inspection, testing and maintenance of systems within the block, beginning with smoke and heat alarms. Although it is true that the majority of blocks of flats do not have a common fire alarm system, due to their construction and use of the ‘stay put’ evacuation method, there are some blocks that do have automatic fire detection provided to the common parts, these may be required as part of the overall fire strategy, including activating other fire safety precautions. Where this is the case, it is important that these systems are tested regularly and are serviced as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

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Fire Safety in blocks of flats – Inspection, testing and maintenance continued – Part 8

Posted: 01/05/2015 11:08

Last week’s blog began looking at inspection, testing and maintenance within blocks of flats as a part of your fire prevention strategy. The blog covered Emergency Escape Lighting and Smoke Ventilation Systems. This week we will continue in that vein, looking at other specific areas which should be subject to regular and appropriate testing and checks.

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Fire Safety in blocks of flats - Inspection, testing and maintenance – Part 7

Posted: 24/04/2015 10:38

This week’s blog is looking at the importance of inspection, testing and maintenance of fire safety systems within the common parts of flats. All fire safety systems and equipment must be checked as a part of a regular inspection. Although some checks are mainly visual in nature and can be carried out by an appropriate member of in-house staff, other checks must be made by a suitably qualified person and this would usually mean the hiring of a contractor. When hiring a contractor, it is important that their credentials are checked. There are various third-party schemes which assess a contractor, or a company, against a recognised standard, and this can offer a landlord confidence when hiring.

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Fire Safety in blocks of flats – Emergencies and Hazards – Part 6

Posted: 16/04/2015 15:58

Last week’s blog looked at the requirement for an Emergency Plan to be laid out for a block of flats. This week, we are looking at how the contents of that plan can be of assistance to the Fire Service when affecting a rescue, and in what circumstances that may arise, before moving on to look at potentially hazardous activities within a block of flats.

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