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Fire Safety in blocks of flats – Means of Escape – Surface finishes and Benchmark Guidance– Part 9
Surface finishes within escape routes of a block of flats can affect the spread of fire and are therefore defined within Approved Document B. Surfaces which are combustible are not permitted and only those materials which fall under “Class 0” (equivalent to European class B-s3, d2) are considered appropriate.
Fire Safety in Blocks of Flats – Means of Escape – Smoke Control – Part 8
This week’s blog about fire safety in blocks of flats looks at smoke control within escape routes. Current design guidance and previous standards both state that measures should be taken to ensure escape routes can be kept free from smoke.
Means of Escape – Escape Routes within Common Parts, Internal Corridors, Lobbies – Part 7
Leading on from our blogs about escape from individual flats within a block, it is logical that we should now look at what happens next. Of course, the escapee would then find themselves in a common area of a block such as a common lobby, stairway or corridor.
Means of Escape – Flats with more than one level, with a floor at more than 4.5m over ground – Part 6
When considering means of escape in flats, the situation can be further complicated where the flats have more than one storey, e.g. maisonettes or cross-over flats, where one storey is over 4.5m from the ground or main exit level. In these instances, however, the main principles of alternative exits and protected exit routes are still used.
Means of Escape - Fire Safety in Blocks of Flats - Flats with an alternative exit – Part 5
Flats having an alternative exit are commonly found in instances where habitable rooms do not open directly onto the main flat hallway or exit corridor. The format and destination of the alternative exit can vary significantly from design to design, but all exits should lead to a suitable and fire safe environment.