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Fire Safety in blocks of flats – Good practice and record keeping – Part 15
Last week’s blog began looking at examples of good practice and how you, as Landlord or person responsible for fire safety in blocks of flats can make improvements. This week, we’ll continue in that theme, concentrating on good practice and record keeping.
Fire Safety in blocks of flats – Opportunities for improvement and good practice – Part 14
While the idea of improving your fire protection provision in a block of flats might sound expensive, it may be that there are ways of doing so without breaking the bank. In this blog, we will take a quick look at that and then move on to look at examples of good practice, which can be implemented without capital outlay and allow you to demonstrate due diligence.
Fire Safety in blocks of flats – How alterations can affect fire safety – part 13
When considering alterations, works and improvements to your block of flats, it is most often the successful completion that is at the forefront of your mind. However, changes of this kind - whether they are large-scale works carried out by contractors on-site, or minor works carried out by the residents themselves - can cause problems which will need your consideration and foresight.
Fire Safety in blocks of flats – Hazards in the common parts – Part 12
The last few blogs have been looking at the importance of maintenance and testing of the various elements of the fire protection strategy within your blocks of flats. This week, we’re looking particularly at monitoring potential hazards in the common parts and reviewing and auditing fire safety standards.
Fire Safety in blocks of flats – Inspection, testing and maintenance continued – Part 11
This week’s blog continues on the subject of inspection, testing and maintenance of fire protection and fire prevention elements within a block of flats. We’ll begin by looking at fire-resistant construction. As you are probably aware, the fire safety procedures for a block of flats usually rely upon fire-resistant construction. The ‘stay put’ evacuation method, where only occupants of the flat of fire origin evacuate the building, relies upon fire-resistant walls, floors, ceilings and doors to contain the fire in the place of fire origin and does not allow it to spread to other parts of the building.